I do love a cleanse

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2021

As any of my friends will tell you - I just LOVE a cleanse. 

Typically every month or so, I'll take a few days and eat a little cleaner and simpler - getting nutrients from juices and smoothies and just giving my body a little break.  My body loves me for it.  I find that doing this physical process not only helps me shed a few pounds, but also gives me additional energy, enthusiasm and clarity.  I can't recommend them enough.  

In the same way, a cleanse of your stuff and space is massively helpful and is a healthy thing to do on a regular basis.  I usually do some kind of cleanse of my stuff about every quarter - to shed the things that aren't serving me and make sure that the space in which I'm living really sets me up for success.  

There are SO many research-based reasons why we should all prioritize cleansing our space and keeping our lives tidy.  Beyond just the cleanliness aspect of reducing dust and dirt, there are real psychological reasons why you need to be prioritizing keeping a tidy life space.  

Studies have shown that a clean and tidy space helps you maintain focus.  Removing distraction and creating a space that facilitates positive, healthy, clear thinking will impact  everything.  Additionally, keeping a space that is organized and comprised of only the things you need and love will help bolster your self-esteem and sense of control.  

I could go on and on!  The benefits of doing a cleanse and deliberately creating space (both inner and outer) for healthy living is one of the fundamental building blocks of a well-lived life.

And look - you don't have to change everything in a day.  Pick just one area.  Commit to just one thing.  Change one habit.  See how it feels when you do and then just add to it!  

As the weather gets chillier and we spend more time inside, let's make sure that your inside is as lovely as it possibly can be.

Ah!  In fact, all of this writing about cleansing is Reminding me of how great it is!  I've inspired MYSELF!  I'm going to go do a little impromptu cleansing right now! 


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